Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My New Die-It

Here is my new diet: White food, bland food, unhealthy (under normal circumstances) food: white Rice, white bread, white pasta and bananas are my main stay. Any deviations from the norm and the cancer god punishes me big time. As in doubled over in pain punishment. So I obey.
But yesterday, I was walking in the street. The smell of bacon came wafting from some coffee shop. My body turned involuntarily in that direction. I had to pull myself back. Slap myself, metaphorically, on the face.
I also stand and drool in front of those hideous fast food posters in the subway: stuff I would never eat normally. Well, the stuff I AM eating is stuff I wouldn't eat normally.
I want olives, and greens with garlic, and brown rice, and salad (except in Germany), and (Tears) a chorizo, a morcilla, some cheeeeese.

1 comment:

dowhat327 said...

soon, soon, soon...not soon enough, but soon