Thursday, June 2, 2011

It's Showtime!

The first day of treatment: It starts out at the chemo suite. First I'm given some anti-nausea medicine, then I'm given my dose of Mitomycin. Yummy! Then a tube is attached to my port along with a bottle of 5-FU. The bottle will hang from a pouch on my waist for 3 days, then I go back to the suite for a refill. Finally it's all done on Friday.
Here I am with my 5-FU. Inside the bottle is a bulb of the medicine. Over the following days, the bulb will deflate as the medicine goes into me. There's no motor or anything. I'm told it happens thru body movement.
I'm also given pages and pages of info on the medicines. But I'll only tell you about the side effects that happened to me as they come along.


Kristen Cook Tyler said...

You are a sick little monkey :(

Anonymous said...

Hang in there. (Couldn't resist it) :-/ Seriously...big west coast hugs.


Helen Marshall said...

That is fascinating. I had to carry around a shoulder bag with pump for the five made a ticking sound - more like a clock than a bomb! - which was strangely comforting at night - I knew it was working and everything would be ok! What is the name of this bulb? I'd like to ask my onc about it.

You finish today? Hope you have a good weekend!

Idle Hands said...

You are so brave! You are going to be better in no time! Love you auntie Im!

PS- not really sure why my name is showing up as the name of my store. odd.