Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Weird Fingernail Changes.

I used to have normal pink fingernails, but lately they have changed. At the bottom they are an eerie white color. Not nice little white moons...no, just a ghostly fade out, like a reverse french style nail. I think it's left over residue from the chemo.
Online, there are a lot of sites claiming to be able to identify disease from the looks of your fingernails. But having had all that poisonous chemo injected into me, all bets are off on what is going on. I think it will fade as time goes by, but of course, I'll check with the doctors.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Just discovered your blog. Love it!! I, too, am an anal cancer survivor and blogged throughout treatment. Assdiaries.blogspot.com

By the way, sock monkeys also played a roll in my recovery. Hmmmmm . . .

Blessings to you ~ Angela