Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I've had nothing to report for weeks. Which is a good thing. Many people thought it meant disaster had struck. But disaster would have been interesting to write about. So I've been quietly, unwritingly, healing and enjoying life.
Then I went to the chemo doctor last week. A routine visit. The nurse drew blood thru my port, as she always does. But over the weekend, for reasons unknown, an ugly rash began to form around my port.
I paid another visit to the chemo doc yesterday so he could check out if my port was infected or I had shingles. He said the rash didn't look like either of those things and told me to use some over the counter creams for the itch. He did tell me to get back to him about it.
Today I woke up and the rash was worse. I'll wait till this afternoon or tomorrow morning to call him again. I have a feeling I'll be making another visit.

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