Monday, July 11, 2011

Painkillers, Part 1: All those Side Effects

Once the treatments got underway, I was prescribed a painkiller: Tylenol with Codeine. The main side effect was going to be sleepiness. The other side effect, not emphasized as much, was constipation. I had already been told to take immodium if diarrhea happened. A side effect of the radiation was diarrhea, thus the immodium was often in use.
One day, I noticed that the symptoms of diarrhea were starting to appear. I took the trusty immodium. That night, due to pain, I decided to try the tylenol with codeine. A regular dose is one to two teaspoons. I took a half teaspoon.
It worked great. The half of a half dose didn't really do a LOT for the pain, but the codeine part put me right to sleep anyway, which was fine.
But within 2 days, I had horrible constipation. Believe me, the pain of that can be just as bad as the pain of the radiation. The whole area was already burned and now it was being ripped apart. I will not go into all the sordid details, but afterwards, I swore to never take the tylenol with codeine again.
But what was I going to take for pain instead? Especially at night when the nagging pain kept me awake?
Stay tuned.


Chaska Peacock said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Iffy!

Just catching up on your blog today--many chuckles and a few winces, as I recall my own experience. I love your writing! See you on RCA!


Anonymous said...

Very similar to Vicodin and yes it can be horribly gut wrenchingly constipating as my hubby found out. While on Vicodin, and after days of trial and error, we finally ended up with Colace (softener), Organic Smooth Move Senna tea (stimulant), Milk of Magnesia (osmotic), an apple, and several prunes every day!!! Check with your doctor to see what they recommend. Good luck kiddo.
