Thursday, July 21, 2011

Chemo Brain

Chemo Brain is what happens to your brain after you poison it and punish it, stress it out....and did I mention poison?
The signs can be extreme, but for me, the first sign, hopefully the only sign, is a failure to be able to do sodoku's. It's very vexing, since prior to treatment I had gotten quite good at it.
My older sister Carmen, who I call 'Sensei' had taught me the secret ways of sodoku and I had gotten to the point of being one with my sodoku. Unfortunately, chemo brain has now interfered with that ability. I can barely do the easiest puzzle and it often takes repeated attempts.
I'll be all better in a year or two. In the meantime, I have to write down lists and......and what WAS that other thing I have to do? Hmmmmm?


Challenge Logic said...

Hey Imelda! I was never able to do sodokus. The fact you were ever able is one up on me :) Love your humor and your honesty. It wakes me up!

timart9 said...

By the way, challenge logic is me, Tim. I was signed in on the wrong account...