Thursday, June 30, 2011

Evil Radiation Techs

The Radiation Techs have been so nice, kind and helpful. But, sorry guys, I'm truly sick of seeing you.
You mean well, I know you do. You are the soldiers, shooting down my tumor as well as doing search and destroy missions in my lymph nodes.
But here we are, at the last week. The techs have coned down to a pin point place on my butt. It's starting to really hurt and I'm getting some very strange imagery as I lay on that damn table.

1 comment:

KathyL said...

ONE MORE DAY my cancer butty!!!!!! Don't forget your party horn for when your treatment is over. I brought one and started blowing it when i was exiting the machine. There were big laughs all around!!!!!

Matiou's be hurting my feet!