Friday, June 24, 2011

Coning Down

Got some bad news today. I thought I had 5 weeks of treatment but I just found out there are actually six. Bummed me out.
However, on the plus side, they have started to cone me down. Which means they are radiating less and less of my body. Rather then the all over blitz of my groin and butt they had been doing up till now, they will concentrate more and more on the problem areas.
So they are finishing up my groin. Here you can see clearly and scientifically how coning down works. They stop radiating my little lymphys this week.
And they will be doing the same with the butt....but for a longer period of time, due to that pesky tumor, damn him! I do hope he's dead or dying.

1 comment:

dowhat327 said...

Strawberry icecream! I knew this coning down was going to be good. Your pesky tumor hates that flavor.