Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Fitting

It was time to get down to serious business. I went for my fitting, meaning a simulation to set me up so that my radiation therapy would hit me in precisely the right spots.
Once again splayed on a table with a radar? radiation? x-ray? machine above me to take pictures.
Dr.Who, the Radiation Oncologist, a physicist and a radiation tech all spent what felt like hours working on finessing my butt. I was trying to get used to people peering into my butt but this fitting including inserting what felt like a screw in there. I really didn't feel like having a conversation at that point; basically I was gritting my teeth. But I suppose the x-ray could pick up where the tip of the metal was touching. Great, Nifty...but oh so painful.


dowhat327 said...

Ouch, ouch and ouch.
(But I have to say I love your pictures.)

KathyL said...

My radonc scotchtaped the copper wire to my crotch and damn it hurt when the nurses were taking it off. I told them why even bother telling me i might lose my hair down there from the radiation, you're doing a good job of getting rid of it right now! :0